Tuesday, August 20, 2024


 Hey y'all!  Found another of my special cassettes I had made from Radio K (more during 1996 than 1997 but had to keep it separate from the 1995 and 1996 that I already posted with same name.  This special offering actually features my mom being interviewed on the largest Midwest USA radio station at the time WCCO radio with two guys discussing her books on Mother's Day which is also Fishing Opener weekend that my mom, Donna razzes 'em about.  Funny that I found it on the tape right before I called her on my birthday. and we laughed about it and right after last week posting my little brother's band KIND.  Anyway has some great songs by:  Frank Black, Rank Strangers (two in-studio tracks that really kick!), Arcwelder (finally got Snake Oil Man posted as a huge hit back then and I've seen 'em a bunch of times at First Ave.)., David Gray (still get choked up and grow flush in the face with this song "Midnight Radio" every time I hear it), Stereolab, Metallica, Del The Funky Homosapien, G.Love & Special Sauce, Screaming Blue Weasils, Sheila Chandra, Butterglory, Supernova, Gear Daddies (long live version of Iguana Man!!!), Brainiac, Evoman, Balloon Guy, Velvet Underground (cool to hear with radio static) and two songs I really need identified:  "own sensation' & 'Diane'.


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