Tuesday, June 25, 2024

HAWKS - st LP 81 w 30 Seconds Over Otho LP 83

 REPOST Request:  What I wrote before:  Hmm another '30 Seconds Over.." title like the PEZBAND did...roller skating rink scene bands back then...remember the couples came out to skate during the 'snowball'.                           

LINK REPOSTED 7-8-2024:  https://bestfile.io/uKoaoiXCEfReQF3/file


Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Jim H. said...
great pop stuff, thanks......."Otho" is in fact the name of the HAWKS tiny hometown in Iowa!

SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 AT 10:49 PM
Jim P. said...
Thanks so much for these. Been lookin!

FEBRUARY 11, 2016 AT 11:13 PM
luis said...
Hola thanks for you site where i find always interesting. I was very interested to listen to Hawks after discovering them lately, but unfortunately the two link are dead. Do You Think you can reupload them?. Thanks in advance.
ps i've see that in the want list the nale of Elliot sharp. if you're interesting i have some elliot sharp sst area cd i've bought when i was younger and if your're itnerested i can upload and pass to you so you can share in the site. Let me my know
OCTOBER 2, 2016 AT 6:42 AM

October 7, 2016 at 9:11 AM Delete
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Thank you so much for the re-up!!

October 7, 2016 at 11:01 PM Delete
Blogger luis said...
thanks for new links for Hawks.
here a link for Hawks Perfect World Radio http://www18.zippyshare.com/v/pdX1qkY6/file.html

October 8, 2016 at 8:56 AM Delete
Anonymous mrenigma98 said...
Requesting a reupload

October 25, 2018 at 10:48 PM

SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 AT 12:39 AM
Jim H. said...
Ahhhhhh...Pezband and The Kind.......when i was a teenager in 77 and saw the top of the first Pezband LP say: "File Under Pop, Vocal", i knew they were gonna be great.....and the Kind, as much as I've heard from their 80s LP and 45, coulda been the next Cheap Trick, in a more perfect word.......and speaking of me, I AM a transplant from the Philly area, except living in Boston!!!!

LOVE this blog btw, always some great treats to be had!!!!!!

November 2, 2018 at 10:16 AM Delete
Blogger newnativemark said...
Is there any chance of a re-upload of these two albums?

Thanks in advance,

January 15, 2020 at 11:12 AM Delete

JANUARY 22, 2020 AT 9:29 AM
EricC said...
Otho is also where they recorded the LPs. At a great studio called Junior's Motel. I haven't heard these LPs in years. Any chance of a re-up?

JANUARY 28, 2020 AT 5:16 PM
Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...
HAWKS files back up for you EricC !!!

JANUARY 29, 2020 AT 2:20 PM
newnativemark said...
Thanks a bunch for the re-up!!!


JANUARY 29, 2020 AT 4:16 PM
ohwellmonkey said...
Please Re-Up This. Pretty Please?

NOVEMBER 10, 2020 AT 6:29 PM
ohwellmonkey said...
Please Re-Up This?

NOVEMBER 10, 2020 AT 6:31 PM

NOVEMBER 17, 2020 AT 1:12 PM
ohwellmonkey said...
Thank you so much?!!!!!!!!!!!

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

NOVEMBER 17, 2020 AT 6:03 PM
EricC said...
I didn't see this until now! Thank you so much! I gotta remember to have Blogger notify me when someone replies.

NOVEMBER 18, 2020 AT 1:12 PM
Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...
What kinda sucks is that when the link expires and months later I get a 'repost link' request, I do it as a new post and delete this one. I cut and paste the comments however and put them in the new post but then no one who commented gets a notification like you are getting now. This is to give me a more accurate count of how many posts there are and to clean up the blog a little bit so I can find stuff and not have to go through a whole bunch of repeats as reposts. I have been leaving some of Mark Underground's (the blog creator) old old posts up on reposts as I usually don't get many and they lots of old comments more directed at him usually. Usually though since I joined the blog a couple years into it's existance, I am missing the files from before I started. I'm good friends with him now on facebook and he said he doesn't have ANY of his old posts since he divorced his wife and left her the computer or something like that. Also all the racist skinhead comments really got to him and he is loving every day he is not involved with blogging. Any way thanks for your regular comments.

NOVEMBER 18, 2020 AT 4:47 PM
Anonymous said...
Oh oh, after reading your last comment I believe you won't like this but… Is there a chance for a re-up of these 2 rare finds? Gulp!
I can't believe this blog of yours. No where else is there a place where all I have to think of a record I can't find, search and … there it is !!!! 10/10 rating. No wait, 100/10!

JUNE 23, 2024 AT 12:24 PM

Anonymous said...

Woooohooooooo !!!!! THANK YOU Viacomclosedmedown!!!! You're a legend!

Quickxie said...

Hi there.
Unfortunately the link don't work. If you have the time, please repost. It would be much appreciated.

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Hi Quickxie,

Reposted the HAWKS link for you today. Hopefully no further issues at BestFile.

