Tuesday, June 25, 2024

MICHAEL STANLEY - st LP 72 w Friends And Legends LP 73 w MICHAEL STANLEY BAND - You Break It...You Bought It LP 75 w Ladies Choice LP 76 w Stage Pass 2LP 77 w Cabin Fever LP 78 w Greatest Hints LP 79 w Heartland LP 80 w North Coast LP 81 w MSB LP 82 w You Can't Fight Fashion LP 83 w Fourth And Ten LP 84

REPOST Request:   I used a couple of comments last time so here go's:  

S.D. Joe says: I recall that MSB was strangely popular across the country, admittedly to a largish cult audience who were quite receptive to blue-collar bands from the Midwest. This lasted only until Springsteen hit big - after which it was sayonara to rock'n'rollers from Cleveland and Detroit. The other nails in the Midwest's coffin were REO Speedwagon and Styx making the Big Time, for all the wrong reasons. But up until 1977 or so, so help me, your buddy pulling out the new Michael Stanley Band album was an occasion meriting Thai sticks and a couple of ice-cold six packs. (By 1979, however, Stanley became better known as "who?")

kingpossum said...Bold and insightful writeup, thank you. While Springsteen chronicles the distance between the American Dream and then American reality, Michael Stanley doesn't go quite as grittily and brutally deep in my opinion. He mostly surveys the mundanity of working class life in the Midwest, rather than the bleak futility that Springsteen typically does. They both find joys too, usually in the simple, everyday things we often take for granted.

Perhaps Stanley doesn't cut quite so deep because of his comparatively comfortable upbringing in a middle class suburb of Cleveland. For any interested parties, Stanley has continued to release new albums since the dissolution of the MSB, doing so independently and making them available on his website and CDBaby.com.   Thanks for everything you do here man.

Viacomcmd:  I remember 'My Town' was a cool song!




Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Kind of the 'Leo Sayer (U.K.)' of the USA as a whole bunch of famous musicians wanted to work with him on his second solo record but then later with the saxophone was kind of the Bruce Springsteen of Cleveland you might say. Took me until the last studio album to recognize a song and that was 'My Town' which you may recall was a huge hit on radio, etc. BTW I read at the facebook SST page a quote from Mike Watt that he didn't like Bruce's songwriting and I concur that Mike is better but most don't 'get' the Boss. I grew up with adjacent rooms to two older brothers and the one right next door had a huge 'Boss phase' where I would here him through the walls all the time. Thing is with a father of eight of us kids out of work all the time tying to 'kick your door down' as the Replacements would sing about---I think the Boss' music was very emotive and comforting to kids growing up with abusive parents letting them dream of a better life on the streets. The last album I remember hearing before my brother moved out was 'the River' and then the "Born in the USA" album came out and all the jocks in high school took to it right away. I never would pick up an album by the Boss or like anything beyond the '10th Ave. Freeze Out" LP by bro eventually gave me and I sold off. But one time when I heard that 'Wendy' song out of the blue and right where that 'want to blur your dreams and visions' I started crying uncontrollably as it took me back to those days as a pre-teen and my bro taking solace in playing it all the time in fights with my dad and he got bullied at school all the time. It still has that effect on me when I hear that song and the line from Born, 'end up like a dog that was beat too much till you spend half your life just to cover it up' became a sick 'shout out' from the Boss to me as it ended up being true in my life although not THAT much...I just kicked back and became kind of psychic because of it at least that's what Johnny Rey told me on facebook. Actually I have always had a large diameter head and they just had a story on that how the larger the head, the more love the person was given as a youth. I was in an upstairs room sharing a room with my younger sister then younger brother and when the folks had one more kid I moved downstairs by the older two brothers and above the basement room with two sisters...that first room upstairs was right next to my parents room and I kind of miss my dad playing a full national anthem of farts when we woke up, I mean it was a daily thing!!!! Really got me laughing!
SEPTEMBER 26, 2019 AT 2:40 PM
Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...
angstytimelord said...
Wow, reading that stuff about having abusive parents really hit home for me. I was lucky, I didn't have to deal with parents like that, but I got bullied ALL THE TIME by other kids when I was young (and even when I was in high school) because I'm of mixed race (white mother, Creole father). I LOOK like the whitest white girl around (pale skin, green eyes, dark hair) but I'm not, and honestly, I'm proud of both sides of my heritage.

But back when I was a kid, being called "zebra" and "crossbreed" and even the N-word a lot of the time was really hurtful. And believe it or not, even in this day and age when things like racial heritage shouldn't matter, I STILL get called names by some people (though that's thanks to the fact that I live in Virginia, one of the homes of the uneducated rednecks, more than anything else). It just amazes me that people can still be so idiotic in our so-called "modern" society.

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

JULY 21, 2021 AT 9:43 AM
Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...
Actually, I'm proud of both my parents, as they got married in 1962 and had me in 1964, when interracial marriage was still very much frowned upon. It was brave of them to give a big ol' "Fuck you" to convention and love each other and make a life together regardless of what stupid people thought. And it still annoys the crap out of me that people look at things like the color of a person's skin first and foremost, instead of focusing on what kind of human being they are. I've known a lot of whiter than white people who are sorry-ass excuses for human beings, and a lot of people of color who are some of the nicest people I've ever met. Race, sexual preference, gender, none of that matters. What matters is being a decent, caring human being, and I think a lot of people have, sadly, lost sight of that these days.

Anyway, I'm glad you made it out of those dark days with your dad and are living a better life now! You know that you're loved and appreciated here by the people who frequent your blog. Don't ever forget that!

JANUARY 11, 2019 AT 4:39 PM
S.D. Joe said...
Reading your comments reminded me of Tolstoy's observation that Happy families are all alike; but every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

But what I didn't notice until I got to the end of your reminiscence was that....you managed to not say a word about Michael Stanley! Whereas I recall that MSB was strangely popular across the country, admittedly to a largish cult audience who were quite receptive to blue-collar bands from the Midwest. This lasted only until Springsteen hit big - after which it was sayonara to rock'n'rollers from Cleveland and Detroit. The other nails in the Midwest's coffin were REO Speedwagon and Styx making the Big Time, for all the wrong reasons. But up until 1977 or so, so help me, your buddy pulling out the new Michael Stanley Band album was an occasion meriting Thai sticks and a couple of ice-cold sixpacks. (By 1979, however, Stanley became better known as "who?")

JANUARY 13, 2019 AT 11:52 AM

SEPTEMBER 26, 2019 AT 2:40 PM

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

JULY 21, 2021 AT 9:44 AM
Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...
Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...
Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...
Dang SDJoe I see your point now, that's a super long text vomit with no real rewards at the end or within about the band. Of course I try to add what I can about a band as Wikipedia does it oh so much better. In this case I heard it all for the first time and as mentioned only heard the MyTown hit song which I always liked but over the week listening in my car the MSB 1975 and 1976 albums really kick some funky white.boy dabbling in funk ass yes? The 77 live is equally good but I will say there Stairway To Heaven rip off song had a big scratch on that live album and that kind of bummed me as I was going to pose the question to you cote fans and even Wiki...If Let's Take The Show On The Road Babe needs to be looked at and studied as he claims it is a fan favorite song from the early days like the ingenious first song he did as traveling folk troubadour about the Rose Bitters ahead of its time bitters talked about as essential to our diets like the new organic soups now having the essential bone broth added...nobody was talking about those things back then. Looking back I could have gone into more details on that second album with Joe Walshes Barnstorm backing band and the other famous musicians who played on it but was hoping to entice others to go to wiki and do it on their...I assume to much but these days you the wiki link goes unwritten to save time for me. Thanks for both of y'alls comments I really enjoy reading them and it keeps me motivated cheers and beers!

JANUARY 14, 2019 AT 11:24 PM
kingpossum said...
Bold and insightful writeup, thank you. While Springsteen chronicles the distance between the American Dream and then American reality, Michael Stanley doesn't go quite as grittily and brutally deep in my opinion. He mostly surveys the mundanity of working class life in the Midwest, rather than the bleak futility that Springsteen typically does. They both find joys too, usually in the simple, everyday things we often take for granted.

Perhaps Stanley doesn't cut quite so deep because of his comparatively comfortable upbringing in a middle class suburb of Cleveland. For any interested parties, Stanley has continued to release new albums since the dissolution of the MSB, doing so independently and making them available on his website and CDBaby.com.

Thanks for everything you do here man.

JANUARY 15, 2019 AT 12:13 PM
Unknown said...
Can you reup please :)

SEPTEMBER 25, 2019 AT 9:50 AM
Post a Comment

SEPTEMBER 26, 2019 AT 2:41 PM
Raulzimdimaio@gmail.com said...
Michael Stanley, Zippyshare desativado.
New Link, pleae and thank you.

OCTOBER 18, 2019 AT 12:41 PM
Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...
Links are LOADED FOR BEAR,,,HAVE AT IT!!! Thanks for the comments.

OCTOBER 22, 2019 AT 9:16 AM
Seattleite said...
Michael Stanley R.I.P. Would appreciate it if you could re-up these links when you can. Thanks!

JULY 12, 2021 AT 8:34 PM

JULY 21, 2021 AT 9:44 AM
Farris said...
Please repost Michael Stanley

JUNE 23, 2024 AT 2:34 AM

EricC said...

I hadn't heard any of this in years, and some of it I had never heard. Decent meat and potatoes rock and roll.
