Tuesday, February 6, 2024

LINDISFARNE - Nicely Out Of Tune CD 70 w Fog On The Tyne LP 71 w Dingly Dell CD 72 w Roll On, Ruby CD 73 w LIVE LP 73

 Got's to thank Dale T. Nelson, big time collector whose seen the MC5 and Led Zeppelin on their early tours to MN, big time vinyl collector posting pictures like the top one on his meta while going to record shows and also the singer for old local band Otto's Chemical Lounge.  He never fails to wish me a happy birthday over the 15+ years since I friended him up on meta and gave him my Otto's 2006 old youtube songs I had filmed in the 7th St. Entry and had posted on my old youtube channel.  I'll be posting some of his and Mark Trehus' rare vinyl posts from my meta that I found digitally on the web as kind of a secondary theme to the 'Top 100 Rare' web article that I also found digital copies of most of the list.  I have most of them organized now in my preferred song numbering format.  At any rate these two vinyl (and more may be needed) are cool folky tunes that sound top notch.

FILES ADDED and LINK REPOSTED 2-7-24:  https://bestfile.io/RTZ0bnHmPdlB95D/file


Jon said...

Nicely Out of Tune was the best blind purchase I ever made in my frivolous youth. I had no idea who Lindisfarne was or what they sounded like but I sure did like the cover (I was a sucker for die-cuts.) Upon first listen I fell in love with the beauty of the album. Some 50 years later it remains one of my favorite listens. Here it is, along with their 3rd and 4th albums to complete their classic Charisma period, give it a digital spin and see what you think.

Jon said...

For further exploration here are the first two Alan Hull solo albums. Mr. Hull was a founding member of Lindi and, I think, principal songwriter. I've also included a nice collection of Rab Noakes material for you to check out. I got into Rab because Lindi name dropped him in one of their tunes. Rab was an early member of Stealers Wheel. He worked with but wasn't a member of Lindi. He also worked with Gerry Rafferty and John Martyn among others. Nice pleasant relaxing stuff.
