Wednesday, December 6, 2023


 Follow me now my Jungle Brothers as I am the one 'producing' in a "True Blue' fashion this micro theme post to supplement my '50th Anniversary of Hip Hop Celebration" local post last week with this last of my rap CD's that I just pedal-biked and dropped off at the Goodwill on the way to work this morning.  Love that song no doubt (True Blue) so will be listening to this current week's stuff on my MP3 player after last post of the year next Tuesday also my last day of work before year end vacation use-up.  This celebration worked out perfectly as I keep 25 Gb back up folders since the start of my blogging in 2008 as each is alphabetical MP3 back up copies that I play on random--so all my hiphop now is in one folder and I only have my core local scene CD's left from last week that I will keep forever as a Southsider.  I think I've posted De La Soul (who I've seen live) and maybe a couple others in the past.  Got a lone tape for next week and still looking for my Pharcyde.tape.

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