Tuesday, August 8, 2023

VA - Declaration Of Independents LP 80

 REPOST Request:  A nice very old request as I have covered a lot of these bands releases over the years since this was posted--but not all so if have do tell!  Includes:  SVT, Jim Wunderle, 3.D. Clinton Thompson, Pylon, RAZZ, Kevin Dunn, Luxury, Robin Lane And The Chartbusters, Ragnar Kvaran, Tex Rubinowitz, Root Boy Slim and the Sex Change Band & Bubba Lou And The Highballs.



Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

donmar002 said...
Can you reupload this one?


AUGUST 3, 2023 AT 4:44 PM

donmar002 said...

Thanks very much for this!


EricC said...

I am always up to listening to comps like this. I try to DL every one you post. It's even cooler when someone I know is on it. I used to see Luxury play on their few live shows. Their guitarist and bass player are still in DSM. Rick went on to be a big name in gaming, he wrote a lot of D&D modules and a fair amount of war gaming stuff. I really wanted to be in on his games. I do have to admit that some of that was because his wife's sister was really cute. Cute gamer girls were few in those days. Although I have married two of them over the years.

If you want to see them live ... https://youtu.be/7QF8X_505C8
