Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Public Image Ltd. (P.i.L, PIL) Limited - Public Image 7 78 w Live at the Russell Club, Manchester, UK June 18, 1979 w Live at the Olympic Auditorium, USA April 5th, 1980 w Live at the Ritz, NYC May 15th, 1981 w Commercial Zone LP 83 w Happy LP 87 w The Suit Remixes 1987 w The Greatest Hits, So Far LP 90 w Rotten To The Core CD 92

 REPOST Request:  I only have had the cassette which is quite a good compilation and so added what I could find in old blog files--some with their calling cards and some I have no clue who posted it first as from very old files.  I remember a high school friend letting me actually borrow the 'Flowers of Romance' album as he was a big fan and having it at least a week before returning it to him and not recording it...not quite understanding it after listening to my Sex Pistols official "Never Mind' cassette and loving that and actually getting to see them later on at the Hollywood Bowl in 2003--the year I moved there for a job before layoff in time to move back home and help raise my nieces and nephews in MN.  Enjoy and please send links if you have more to share.


1 comment:

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Brian Seattle said...
thanks for posting this, saves me some time ripping my cassette of it. I remember the first time I heard PIL I was so disappointed because I thought it was going to be the Sex Pistols mark II. Once I got past that I have to say PIL was pretty damn good. Thanks again.


Brian Guy

JANUARY 23, 2012 AT 6:50 PM
Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...
Yeah, I felt the same way you did about PiL but my friend kept buying their platters so gradually over many years and seeing some of these hits on MTV and the other blogs...I then bought this cassette for $1.95. Well worth it. Of course I first heard the Sex Pistols on the bus during a ninth grade church ski trip to a resort near Vail, Co but someone told me they were called Black Flag! LoL...not until months later did I figure it out when I bought the cassette of "Never Mind The Bollocks"

JANUARY 23, 2012 AT 9:37 PM
Anonymous said...

AUGUST 4, 2023 AT 2:19 AM
