Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Lonette McKee - Lonette LP 74 w Words & Music LP 78

 A big thanks to ClassicMusic20 for suggesting this artist with limited copies left for cheap.  The first album opens with a cool theme I like "Message From The Earth" but I liked the second one more as it had been a radio station copy that look popular.


ClassicMusic20 said...

Thanks So Much! Alright, Here's a Rare Mono Single by Former Football Player Jon Keyworth
And These Are the Two Requests That I Was Telling You About, Do You Happen to Have Them? I've Been Searching for These for a Few Years and With No Luck. There the Only Albums That These Guys Had Out.

Kosta said...

thanks!! for Lonette i had both this album in a fake 320...
these rip of yours are perfect and very good sounding (no skips detected)
