Tuesday, June 22, 2021

SAMMY HAGAR - Nine On A Ten Scale LP 76 w st LP 77 w Musical Chairs LP 77 w Live All Night Long LP 78 w Street Machine LP 79 w Danger Zone LP 80 w Standing Hampton LP 81 w Three Lock Box LP 82 w LIVE LP 83 w VOA LP 84

 REPOST Request:  Not sure if he needed these but I am posting this again because a super fan in the comments posted some essential live shows for Sammy so check it out while those links are still fresh!

LINK REPOSTED 2-10-2025:  https://bestfile.io/en/s59ozA3112qFcEW/file


Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

tHeCritic said...
Can't have a Sammy Disco without HSAS!!!
2 Albums here
Through The Fire: The finished product
No Animation Live: A Westwood One recording of the entire Gig

Included a 360p video of the show too. Best quality there is, sorry.

All the zippy links for Sammy are dead BTW.


JUNE 15, 2021 AT 3:17 AM
tHeCritic said...
Here's a little history on that too!


JUNE 17, 2021 AT 2:50 PM

Jim H. said...

thanks! had to take my little brother to see Boston on their second tour in 1978, at the old Spectrum in Philadelphia, and Sammy opened and was TEN times more rocking than Boston!!!!!!!!!!!

jimi2770 said...

please, update the link

jimi2770 said...

please, update the link. thank you.

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Link restored today!
