Friday, May 14, 2021

T.S.O.L. needs your help to fund their film

 Hey guys, special post here.  My buddy Jack Grisham from T.S.O.L. (True Sounds Of Liberty) is seeking contributors for the film he made with all the original members and how they is NOT a documentary as he says in the clip here:

and is called 'Ignore Heroes'.  Getting near their goal and if you donate $200 you get your name in the credits AND in a book regarding the film that you get.  If you've enjoyed my posts of the band in the past this is a great way to work with them.  Cheers!   Viacom


Anonymous said...

i met jack once with a friend tim tracy. i'm not familiar with their music though.

echopk said...

I'm gonna ignore heroes...$200? How punk. Why can't they buy their own video? I am living in a world I cannot afford...and stop being such a post this, if you dare. said...

T S O L = TSOL = in verse = LOST = L.O.S.T. ( T.S.O.L. ) " !!!"
