Tuesday, May 11, 2021

BLUES BROTHERS - Briefcase Full Of Blues LP 78 w Made In America LP 80 w OST tape 80

Thanks for the request on this one as I had only heard the 'Briefcase' album long ago in my sisters' room in our old playroom downstairs so it was an old favorite I had forgotten about and now really sounded good in my car on the way to work today.  A lot of their cover tunes are in my collection from years later not remembering I had heard them first on TV from the BLUES BROTHERS...MISSION ACCOMPLISHED Jake and Elwood, love you guys for keeping it alive and yes in 2006 instead of back of the record store section, I was buying had seen more than a few times R.L. Burnside and his crew at First Ave. after his hit tune lasted most of the year on Radio K...I will post him soon...and how about old Lightning' Hopkins and Professor Longhair or Robert Johnson for that matter.



Anonymous said...


et merci

EW said...

Here are two cool records from a guy named Bat McGrath:


Would you happen to have this album by Casablanca?


Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Hi EW!
Thanks per usual. Do you have the other Bat record? The two links you posted here are for the same 'Eagle' release. I have posted his 'The Spy' LP from 1978 but link is down. I can repost with your other file if it is not the same. Of course CD bonus tracks is another story. Thanks again friend.

Raulzimdimaio@gmail.com said...

Por este Post Blues Brothers - comentário ( comment ), peço ao Amigo VIACOM, postar a
super super raridade nunca vista na internet, o EP 1967 e Single 1967 do cantor, com-
positor Francês GIL GALIAN
Thankx, Thank you, broher.

Anonymous said...

hi do you have this album ? https://www.discogs.com/fr/Ralph-Graham-Wisdom/release/1871795

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this upload! What a great blog...

Do you have any Joe Strummer's singles or EPs?

Anonymous said...

I was in college when the first UV album came out and I loved it from the start. The story I got from a friend who had ties to DC was that Warner Brothers came to town to look at two bands, Urban Verbs and the Razz, a band that, for their last couple of years, featured the brilliant (and now sadly deceased) Tommy Keene, but with only one contract in hand. It went to the Verbs, and the Razz broke up as a result of not getting signed. When the Verbs didn't make a dent with their second album, Warners dropped them and they too broke up. In 1983, I had the good fortune to be backstage at a Talking Heads show and asked Chris Frantz what Roddy was up to. He was glad to meet a UV fan, but he was the bearer of the unfortunate news that Roddy had become disillusioned with the business after dealing with Warners and stopped doing music; at that point, he was installing cable TV. A shame...not many songwriters would have the balls to offer up a lyric on their first album like, "I wouldn't take a piss on your good life." Come back to us, Roddy Frantz!
