Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The Golden Palominos - OAO EP 80 w Visions Of Excess LP 85 w Blast Of Silence LP 86 w A Dead Horse LP 89 w Drunk With Passion LP 91 w Pure LP 94

 REPOST Request:  Just a great group with some very well connected players!  Formed by Anton Frier in 1981.                


Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

julio said... link on the last word of the info

AUGUST 6, 2013 AT 12:21 PM
Jeff Gee said...
Thanks for the re-up-- you guys are the best!

AUGUST 6, 2013 AT 6:13 PM
Camarillo Brillo said...
Nice collection of the Golden Palominos!
Thanks again for sharing this and all your other good stuff!!

JULY 29, 2015 AT 10:28 AM
g said...
You have no idea how appreciated this post is - - I came across your blog around 5 minutes ago, if that, and saw the post - feared it had expired - - clicked - Many Thanks. I'll have to take a look in and around your blog -- judging from what I saw with this post - - one must assume you have great taste in music! THANKS

JANUARY 31, 2016 AT 9:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Been looking to hear the GPs for a while. Thanks for giving me the chance.


MARCH 1, 2016 AT 9:16 AM

EW said...

Hey! Here's a rare one by Paul Macneil:

peerke said...

Many thanks for The Golden Palominos.
