Wednesday, March 24, 2021

TAMBA 4 - California Soul LP 64

 Thanks again to our friend E.W. who sent this in for me to finish mastering with song splits mainly.  He said he got this title-track classic from a record store day offering.


Tony said...

You've struck gold here. This is actually the never released, lost CTI-A&M LP (A&M-CTI SP-3021) from 1969. Apparently cancelled by A&M when the single from this LP (California Soul) failed to sell. Dedicated collectors managed to locate the master tapes and convinced Universal Records (who now own A&M) to release it for Record Shop Day in 2019 (1500 copies only).
Many thanks for making this available to those who did not even realize that this had been rediscovered and released.

EW said...

I purchased it the day before the lockdown at a local store in Boston, so I'm glad I got it when I did.

Tony said...

Thanks you, EW for allowing us all to hear this.
