Friday, February 21, 2020

DUNCAN BROWNE - The Wild Places LP 78 w Streets Of Fire LP 79

NEW BETTER RIP:  After spending time on my 6-box 'legacy' collection from Good Will these few months, I had slipped into a 'myopic void' as Captain Beyond puts it, which means I was zoomed in so much to get every little pop sound cut out I had butchered it to unlistenable.  So I 'let 'er buck' as my old fishing buddies would say and came up with a better rip technique this week of sliding the pop reduction lever all the way right to 100% and did zero cuts so it is real time.  Played with some volume levers with elliptical (up to 76% line-in volume now as standard) and sounds great and I regained my sanity with quicker rips (I will still cut obvious ones of course!).  From the band METRO and if you search in upper left you will find link is now restored!  As one of my kind volunteer/helpers put in comments:  He wrote "Criminal World," that David Bowie covered on his "Let's Dance" album.!WZVlnSaA!_HZ2LBNTGzXfkzA-GuahXW5O9Kfi6L-5bO-fCjPIIj0


Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

angstytimelord said...
He also wrote "Criminal World," that David Bowie covered on his "Let's Dance" album.

FEBRUARY 18, 2020 AT 2:13 PM
WOODY said...
A great artist with some wonderful songs, unfortunately much too little appreciated and also died much too early, many thanks for this very fine memory!

FEBRUARY 20, 2020 AT 12:48 PM

angstytimelord said...

Thanks for that, Viacom. I needed that little pick-me-up after some flaming buttwad of moronic idiocy on another blog accused me of being a "lazy jerk" because I don't choose to use what little data I have per month (I live in a very rural area, and I have a cap on how much data I can use) uploading music to suit HIS tastes.

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

My pleasure Angsty youve helped me in the past and i bought my most for a record ever today yikes it was $299.9[ at Bananas on the wall for me and i had their Tshirt on so 10% off to make it $270 for a minty CRYSALS from Brooklin but first press from the year of my birth 1968 with title track "Uptown" from dollar co.p a few weeks back w damaged version of this excellent song that Phil Spector produced. I doubt i will go that high again since last time years ago was 75 for prehardcore Whipping Boy lp. That bu bled up tune yanks on my heartstrings as a Leo ull c next week w more goodies in it w Doo Wop early rock mp4 i made from zRhino Records VHS love ya sweet female friend

angstytimelord said...

WHOAH! I think the most I've ever spent on a record was around $40 for an import still-sealed copy of Kate Bush's "The Kick Inside" with the original cover. Sadly, as I'm disabled, I'm on a very limited budget, so I don't buy much music these days. One more reason that I'm grateful for your terrific uploads!

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

I did it to set my limit and you are witness i said that just now the name Uptown means so much to me like also West Bankor Downtown in Mpls all e . U saw last show at the zuptown barband was Radio K gold band Faux Jean up there with Soviettes who played for me that Christmas Eve 2002after a work party...i saw the Dead Milkmen there and Alex Chilton w protests outside of it being too small a club for his huge talent. So manynights remembered by this 'discovered' Brooklyn NY band and the melody just floors me everytime! I detected wider groove areas so i want to try elliptical rip.
