Wednesday, January 2, 2019

the new seekers - We'd Love To Teach The World To Sing LP 71

Well I felt totally obligated to post this after posting the Coca-Cola rip off of the cover song (hell, they won't even change their 'carmel coloring agent' that has been proven to cause cancer...but hey not much better than Pepsi who wouldn't sign the pledge to not use rainforest-destroying Palm Oil plants and were the only hold out when all the other corporations agreed to use substitute (cheaper) ingredients!!!) of the tune and give it back to the people.  It was a huge hit when it came out...a truly universal song was this title track--I remember for age 3 or 4.  A dollar vinyl find, I kind of like the stain on the cover to the right as it looks like a smog cloud or something--maybe it's not a stain?.  All around a great album with great lyrics, distortion, etc.

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