Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Too Funny!
I find it hilarious how racial Black folks are.
Why is it so acceptable for them to be?
Imagine the roles reversed.


Aesop said...

I don't think it's generally "okay" for them to be. You would have to consider a number of nuances and social; constructs. Like who holds power, culture, identity etc. Black racism is lame, but much white racism is institutional and propagated by those in power. Racism is weak but when it is state or institutionally sponsored it's flat out evil. How about we stop saying "it's okay for this group to be racist but not that one" and start saying "racism sucks." WHen I hear these arguments I almost think white people are saying "Well, I want to be afforded the luxury of racism" I'll pass.

Nish said...

I see your point loud and clear :)

But 2 wrongs don't make a right.
White people JUST DON'T SEE the other side.
It's NORMAL to favor someone that looks like and makes you feel comfortable with.
I don't lame blacks.
But...Many take it over the line.

Whites that don't see,I think have this "White Guilt".
When I mention this.
I'm called a racist.

Today,Black racism is everywhere,and it's ok'ed.
All racism is bad.But can it ever end until we're all grey?

I have more to yab about but my daughter is making me get off lol.

Nish said...

Ya know thats funny.You saw what happened in my Myspace group when I said Black was the reason.

I won't even write there anymore because people are so blinderd.

Racism in a sort of way is natural as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.
That is if you call preferance of race to be racism :)

Look everywhere.People choose for the most part where they live.
They like to live amongst themselves in this melting pot society.No?

Much love to you Aesop for your anytime invite and for being a great pal even in the afterpunk ;)

robashito said...

I still don't understand why Obama is only referred as "black". If he was married to a white woman, would he be less black? It seems like it's the only race where if you have some black genes, then you're considered "black" for the most part. I suppose it's the "one drop" rule that still applies? Being mixed race myself, I still don't understand it too well. Personally, I like to be referred as "mixed" or "mutt" but certainly not white or asian.

But yes, I do know a few people at work who will vote for him because he's black. Yet again, I know a few people who won't vote for him because he's black, though they won't admit it (some of my in-laws).

Until this world is fully colorblind, we're gonna have race favoritism and racism side by side.

And lastly, the average joe on the street (who is being interviewed by the Howard Stern show of all things) isn't going to be well versed with loads of political thought process either. So in many ways, we aren't really getting the entire representation of a group.

Nish said...

I'm marked the same in WP groups.
I'm White.I look white.
But Not white enough I geuss lol.
I find it funny that blacks are that way.

Robashito,your funny.I don't care what anyone wants to call me as long as they call me friend :)
(most call me asshole)lol

You know there's gotta be a butt ;)
Percentage of blacks voting Obama because he's black...
What do you suppose that is?
I would imagine high.
Meaning most blacks are prejudice.Right?

robashito said...

@Mark - I'm sure the percentage is very high just based on association of the color of one's skin. Yet again, pro-lifers typically will vote for pro-life candidates only, and won't bother with the other issues.

People tend to vote for their "own kind" or those that have the same "values" of theirs, instead of looking at the whole picture.

It would be nice if all voters did their homework prior to voting but we all know that isn't the case.

But on a bright note, it appears that we'll have a new record with the turn out of people actually voting.


Nish said...

What will the comedians do when Obama is elected?
Who will joke of what?

Also,When he is elected.Anything he wants will go...basically in a All democratic congress.
Your thoughts?Do you think thats a good idea?

What happened to the radical punk?
The one who said no when all said yes?
Seems strange.

Anonymous said...

my bad. will use c-box in future. nothing wrong with a little friendly discourse. hey, did u ever find that ''oi the ressurection''

many thanx,

robashito said...

Well, the republicans did themselves in and yes, the democrats will run the tables the next four years since they will control the house as well. Even the most loyal conservatives (evangelicals) are turning their backs on the GOP.

I'm sure Dubya can't wait for his term to end. Perhaps he'll be listed as one of the worst presidents in recent history.

Anonymous said...

Obama COULD be a hilarious Saturday Night Live parody! Just the way he talks is totally funny the way he brings it down home in his way. I only worry that one of his top appointments is CFR. I am hoping he will take the main lesson of the nineties and work within the game..complete with a gameface but be WITH the cause.
Viacomclosedmedown on youtube
