Monday, March 24, 2025

Jello Biafra with D.O.A. - Last Scream of the Missing Neighbors CD 89 & MP$ video at DNA Lounge San Francisco, 11-20-90 w with Mojo Nixon - Prairie Home Invasion CD 94 w Jezebel 7 08 w with Melvins - Never Breathe What You Can't See CD 04 & Cologne 6-20-05 CD w Riot Fest Live At The Metro CD 2010 w and the Guantanamo School Of Medicine - The Audacity of Hype CD 09

 Well, still waiting for a PC solution for my busted up old rip computer after 9000 rips...we'll see.  So I wanted to pull out the Last Scream release since they just had a repressing and always liked the long stoner type song structure D.O.A. and Jello were experimenting with to launch into the 90's for a perfect fit at the time then came the soul type Manchester bands like Stone Roses, Charlatans U.K., etc.  Found some other stuff from blogging over the years that I'm sure you will enjoy!  (left off the nudy cover of his solo 7).  The video I stitched together from one of Longy's old posts at defunct punkfriction blog.


Kostas said...

Great my friend, great 😸 job! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

hello mister maybe do u have + ?
