Tuesday, January 21, 2025

GUY LOMBARDO - The Best Of/The Sweetest Music This Side Of Heaven Vinyl Boxset 6LP 75 w 50 Years! 50 Hits LP 78 w And His Royal Canadians - By Special Request! LP 62 w Sings The Songs of Christmas LP 60 w DU comp.'s bonus tracks

REPOST and ADD ON:  After that 10 album vinyl boxset last week I discovered I still had this to keep the big band mini-theme going for at least one more week.  It had one more vinyl inside it from yet another Reader's Digest boxset (most I have are from them with a few more classical & Old Time Religion to rip yet) as they all seem to be from that small old magazine our family had a subscription to all the years of my youth with fun columns I would read like "Life In These United States" and maybe even "News of the Weird' in later years which my dad and I loved to read and discuss.  Also new is one of those great 'By Request" records for him that someone had taped to the back of the boxset getting both from Goodwill.  I like this boxset just like the one last week because it has such song variety with all kinds of singers that make it timeless along with the fine sounds and ambience.



1 comment:

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Anonymous said...
I have the info for "Guy Lombardo And His Royal Canadians - Sing The Songs Of Christmas"
The LP is from 1960
Discogs ID is 5171118
To find the ref. just put The ID number or the cat.#(KAO-1443)
Nice rip, sound good for that old print !

December 28, 2019 at 8:47 AM
