Tuesday, December 17, 2024


 What a pleasant surprise to find this compilation I made from taping songs from my favorite AM radio station RADIO K on the back of one of the Prince bootlegs last week!  This one is the latest year so far I've found, 1997 which is interesting to me since back then I had said 1996 was one of my favorite years in music due to this stations many charms such as one mentioned within that they did a weekly top 12 countdown on international music with one played every hour.  I didn't have all the titles from the DJ banter between songs but damn a couple of these world music releases kick some major ass so all you Muslimgauze downloaders take heed!  Includes also:  Pavement, Blur, The Promise Ring (later morphed into Maritime who I have posted as well--both from WI), Morphine, Negu Gorriak, Shallow, Cornershop, Sleater-Kinney and some song starts I recorded then changed my mind either due to my having the band already or loss of signal or some other reason but they sure have those super catchy song parts that have stuck in my head all these years--simply incredible licks!!


1 comment:

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Another international hit from thei playlist then w Chico Science https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_G63uF288T4&pp=ygUeY2hpY28gc2NpZW5jZSBtYXJhY2F0dSBhdG9taWNv
