Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Prince - Tribute Comp. 'Do Me Baby! Austin Does Prince CD 98 w Endorf CD w Days Of Wild Boot CD w GR8 IN 98 boot CD

Well just got back in town from my native MN and saw the Prince shop at the MSP airport for the first time.  But my buddies prepped me with this post about Prince’s jazz tunes with Madhouse also (their is a jazz track here)that I am responding to now:  https://jonderblog.blogspot.com/2024/11/prince-jazzed-up.html#comment-form

As I mentioned in the past my first house neighborhood in St. Louis Park was close to Uptown so we would go there on bike or whatever to find out if Prince would play his regular after bar show at Paisley Park that would be announced at his shop Gabriella's.  I got to see him a couple times right up close playing incredible guitar like some of these bootlegs my neighbor there would let me tape from his sister (who did a seed crop art of Prince for our MN State Fair a few years back but was a fanatic about him.  I didn't label the songs but had written the names in title on the cassettes.  I also have Gold Experience for a future post and I think I may have posted some  already but a short week coming back from MN with light shows every night, sister's family from WA renting an air b&b old church for our Thanksgiving and card games etc.  My mom will be 90 in Feb. and she is doing well in assisted living.  Oh yeah the compilation features great Prince covers by:  Guy Forsyth, Kris McKay, Spoon, Michele Solberg, El Flaco, Johnny Goudie, Dah-Veed, Christina Marrs, Fuckemos, Seela & Darwin, Royal Company Scam, Jubilettes, Missile Command, Monte Warden and The Adults.  Warning there is a song or two with swearing but also some ridiculously awesome tunes as Prince is the best guitarist per Eric Clapton and this show in L.A. and after hours at Paisley was thinking I recorded that one live there 



Anonymous said...

Hi - thanks for the great music I have found here. Would you happen to have the 45 edits of these three songs? They're hard to get and not on YouTube.

Anonymous said...

Hi. Is it possible that you could find this album for me and a friend?

