Tuesday, September 10, 2024

FCC (Funky Communication Committee) - BABY I WANT YOU LP 79 w DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC? CD 80 17

Misplaced who sent in the 1980 album and requested the 1979 vinyl that I ripped but thanks anyway as I enjoyed the music and they also have the cool name!  Committee members:  Dennis Clifton, Jimmy Evans, Larry Byrom, Steve Gooch & Wayne Chaney.


Jon said...

Talk about serendipity. I was just searching for these, to no avail, last week. Larry Byrom was also a member of T.I.M.E. (with Pat Couchois), The Hard Times, Ratchell and likely best known as the guy in the fur hat with horns in Steppenwolf. Thanks.

Jon said...

Wow, just discovered that Ratchell also featured the Couchois brothers Pat and Chris (both Cuchois albums are worth a listen IMO) and that Larry was also a member of Neil Young's Shocking Pinks. Guy gets around.

weareclouds said...

It was me who sent over their second record. Thank you for putting this up.
