Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Plod - Neo City CD 75

 Hot on the heels of the Iron Virgin post last week of forgotten Scottish prog bands here is another suggested from same person and Jim H. from his Boston record store chimes in:  Great stuff-'Rebels Rule' is very Slade/Sweet sounding stomper....and yes, Plod was Martin Newell's (Cleaners from Venus, a million solo albums) was in the band Plod, who were not bad at all!

Adding from Discogs comment:  The Mighty Plod were formed in May 1972 by Colchester Musician Steve Greenfield. The original line-up was Michael Natkansk (drums), Martin Newell (vocals), Carl Symanski (bass), John Fitzsimons (guitar). Their music was based on glam rocks hits of the day such as Slade and Sweet, and a selection of rock'n'roll standards like 'Johnny B. Goode' and 'Shakin' all over' done in a fast thrash style. In 1975 the band recorded five studio tracks including the amazing ‘Neo City’. The Mighty Plod turned up again in a feature on lost treasures from the Glam Rock era, the most important bands that got away, in the January 2002 ‘Record Collector’. As a result of this In March 2003 RPM records released the ‘classic’ compilation CD ‘Velvet Tinmine’, that includes 20 tracks selected by the music magazine.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oi! Thanks for finding and uploading this!!!
