Tuesday, August 20, 2024

INDOOR LIFE - st LP 81 w st LP 83 w Searching EP 85 w Sunshine Superman EP 86

REPOST Request and ADD ON:  Another big  thanks to Richard (also below band in request) for clueing us into the realm of Patrick Cowley who produced their first 1981 album that I am adding to this repost and a fine one it is as his Sylvester work morphs into new wave and another 'missing link' in music evolution like the Midnight Hustle K-tel album I posted.  Enjoy!



Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

jonder said...
Adding this megapost to my collection of San Francisco punk and post-punk. How did I not make the connection between Indoor Life and Patrick Cowley? Learning something every day...
JULY 29, 2024 AT 8:20 PM

Richard said...
Very nice, thank you. Do you have their first album?
BTW This first Indoor Life was a project by the Late and Great Patrick Cowley, one, if not the first, well known guys to die of AIDS.
JULY 23, 2024 AT 3:50 PM

Manny Kent said...

Thanks for all the great posts but is there a problem? Every link I have clicked on (from the new posts as well as older ones) goes to the same "Error 500 File Not Found" page at Bestfile....

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Thanks Manny Kent and all the others who let me know about the Errror 500. Thanks be to the Lord all links are back up again. This happened once before just like this at Bestfile when the internet was down all around the world a couple months ago so I knew to 'wait it out' like last time and within a day was back up. Cheers to all and please enjoy the files and even put into you local library if possible....I will not let this music die. Viacomcmd

ClassicMusic20 said...

Hey Viacom, I'm not sending any requests right now, But I'm just wondering is there Any updates on that John Durrill Record? It was something I asked almost a year ago (The same time I asked for Allee Willis) And I Believe you've gotten all three, But I've Only seen Allee up so far, but not John Durrill, It's almost a year so I'm wondering are you waiting for the right time to put it up (just like you did with that Jimmy Salvemini record, where I asked for that in the Summer, but you told me you're waiting for the right time to put it up, and you did) Thanks! Just curious, no pressure

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Classic you talkin' 'bout the former keyboardist for The Five Americans?? 3 what? He only has the 78 album. You sent me files on him?

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Needless to say but I just bought the 1978 album. No worries...

ClassicMusic20 said...

Hey, Thanks! So To Correct What I've written earlier (Since What I said didn't make any sense) What I meant was a year ago I requested three things (And they were Two Allee Willis records and one album by John Durrill and I've only seen Allee's albums up, but not his) So I hope that made sense, I didn't mean "John released three albums" ha ha, but thanks for getting it. I would've assumed the time when you bought Allee's records, you've gotten his. By the way, I didn't know he was in a band, I only knew his work as a songwriter.

ClassicMusic20 said...

Oh, I had no idea he wrote Cher's hit "Dark Lady" just found that out this minute
