Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 This one for Josef as I had posted some from Greece for his friend Kostas and so in kind one for him!



Josef Kloiber said...

Thank you very much for your dedication. Although it's not for me, i mean the music, but if very kind of you. Everything you have. A mixture of very good things until wel....

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

yeah, sorry about the Meat Puppets cassette rip as the CD's I could not convert to to only showing 'data' to my software which is good. I have found another copy in a file some blog had posted years ago called: No Strings Attached. I will post it for you next week along with Mirage (but only 128 kb/sec mp3), excellent live in Phoenix, AZ 1-28-81, Monsters demo both in 320 kb/sec then also Live in Montana from 1999 (but only 128 kb/sec. Also I apologize about the Bang Zoom post with SWANS and Gun Club showing cassette squeal but seller didn't tell me that and it is extremely rare to find (got it on Ebay #3 & #5 recently while I had #2 from long ago so early rip for me). The whole side had been squealing at first but I tried again and again to minimize it and will try once more as I love the Gun Club (I could even cut out the squeal manually if sound doesn't get affected too much. Beyond that sometimes the early reposts I don't check but usually a magic quality to them as I use same settings over all my 9000 rips but I was online then and Magix had a patch to software at higher resolution on my early version but off line I can't find it. Shows the same. At any rate thanks for your comment and I can make you a full member on sidebar in credits. Can I ask if you have a dual cassette player? Still hoping for the Fine Art as that is so rare and I think people should hear it before it degrades in quality...do you agree? If you sent that I would put you by my name as member of DU. I understand you desire for quality and I hope my rips can be considered but a lot of what you mention I got from other blogs. You can tell by my pictures which is mine. Cheers! (P.S. yes I didn't think you would be fan of that type of music but the history is fascinating for Austria in my opinion. I will post similar next week from USA with band called Silver Pirates (all the swing band autographed it but I already gave it back to Goodwill on my bike last weekend to clear my apartment I have to. It is college band from Kansas with two releases. Fascinating IMO

Josef Kloiber said...

Thank you for your detailed reply. Gun Club is definitly one of the best bands of the 80s. I have allmost of them on do-cd and other things. I also had 5 or 6 live tapes and i threw them away. When should i play all this ? Fine Art comes directly from the band. I am therefore not authorzited to publish them. Doesn't depend on me, so don't be angry with me. Even it i wanted to.
One can only hope that will ve released on Cherry Red or wherever. Sorry !

Josef Kloiber said...

I wrote Cherry Red Records under ideas you can suggest.

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Josef thanks I had no idea your connections--now I will understand the background for your comments at Urban Aspirines. I would like to buy the CD if it comes out for sure and I hope the band gets the profits as it should be. I understand now what you said about Sound Board live recording as today I have been organizing my Chills rips and blog files into a megapost for next Tuesday when I post and sound is SUPERIOR!!! I suppose the Chocolate Paintbox you mentioned before is the same scant remains I posted from the only surviving CD (you can search in upper left as I forget the title)? If not I am still interested as that band packs a wallop!! LOL ..Have A Great Day!

Josef Kloiber said...

For Fine Art i've been propaganda for decades so that people at least buy the lp from 78. The tapes i own were intended so that if no one else in the USA could find a label here in Europe that would release them. I and a friend in Germany tried it around 1980, unfortunately in vain. It's all a shame. Cocolate Paintbox ( title: It came to me in a dream - Collectables label) is not a rarity. You can buy it on discogs for not much money. The strong thing is that they are so unknown. I assume you already knew Randy Holder !?

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Hi Josef,

I checked the Chocolate Paintbox link and it is expired. The reason I mention to you is that the Collectables CD sounded HORRIBLE and at too low volume. I checked comments on post and saw that I used my rip software to increase the volume and edit any unpleasantries thus I will bring in to work next week (where I post as off the grid at home to protect my ripping PC) and could send you the link here but will do full repost for new blog regulars to hear again. Yes, I downloaded the Population II from another blog maybe 15 years ago but haven't heard it since then. Are there any other of Randy's CD you prefer? I can try to get all of it on youtube using 10 free songs at Dirpy and the rest at mp3convert or one of the other free ones but will take time. Thanks for the reminder. Good luck at Cherry or others with the Fine Art and I will follow up when I can...certainly don't want it lost to time (if it makes you feel better you can send me a duplicate and I will never post it). I used to go to many shows and once when seeing Joseph I from Bad Brains playing with his other band Human Rights he was outside the venue to meet journalist for interview in his van and could tell I was huge fan so he let me go inside and as interviewer clearly young and didn't know much let me ask questions since I followed him from the start having seen him over 4 times now as HR and once as BB he gave me a sound board recording he had confiscated from a bootlegger at New York Crash Mansion show and said...Go make money with it which I did thru ads on my youtube channel before shuttdown. I made nice DVD back up where you could select songs and added my Bad Brains songs from the two years I worked in Los Angeles during his Halloween show plus songs I filmed that night in St. Paul. Gave to a friend but that was all. YEs, I desperately need to monetize in some way at DU. I wish there was a business perhaps out of a Kinkos copy store that would visit your house with a high resolution scanner and scan my ticket poster and decoupage art that my friend made from my National Geographic magazine suscription my father gave to me before he passed away and I bought them all to the community center free meal where I played cards with the seniors in a library and left them on a table and my friend took them, cut them up and made incredible art posters. I bought a few from him one of very large size. A site like Etsy I could post the low res. versions and sell the high resolution JPG after they pay. Something I want to do but need service with scan wand to visit.

Josef Kloiber said...

Thank you for your long report. I will keep it brief as i only have a short amount of time. Cherry has shown intetest in Fine Art. They will listen to the band and then decide whether they like it. Chocolate Paintbox is sometimes really bad because the record quality is too low. Was just unreleased. Not Randy, i don't know and it's probsbly not for me, but MYRA HOLDER ( see entry by Urban A.) was meant. Very fine, only an lp of 89. Sorry for the short circuit. I'm not interested in Bad Brains, because it's hardcore punk and therefore not for me. I love punk but a special one haha....

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

I make you an offer to help sell the tape. I will post a picture meme with HTML code (a short paragraph of writing I can import) for Cherry Red of only the FINA ART release should they chose to do it that will stay up permanently on sidebar at DU blog. They can make it so someone clicks the ad and they are taken to the release and maybe they want extra link so others can order more. If it makes money (they give you ordering code discount so they can track success of ad) that is between you and label. If you want to send me some later whatever. I just want the release to happen. Of course I would never post it. To help you I could do a repost of the FINE ART lp and ep from my rips AND I COULD MAKE SAME OFFER IN OPEN WAY IN CASE CHERRY DOESN'T BUY IN TO YOUR DATA so another label could have same offer through you of lifetime post and ad. Take you time to think about it and perhaps we can do same for your other cherised data like TINY DESK UNIT. DU largest post so far was BATMAN recent with over 5000 downloads so you can use that for negotiation.
