Tuesday, July 16, 2024

SIERRA - st LP 77

 REPOST Request:  Glad I researched this (thanks Farris!!) per discogs:  THE "SIERRA" PERIOD

March 1977 - December 1977

Band Members:

Sneaky Pete Kleinow, Gib Guilbeau, Thad Maxwell

Mickey McGee, Bobby Cochran

A record deal with Mercury was signed and with Felix Peppalardi producing they set about recording an album.

However a surprise was in store when the record was released later in the year because it was not credited to the Burritos but the self titled effort appeared under a new name "Sierra", although from March to December most live shows were still billed as "The Flying Burrito Brothers".



Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Farris said...
Please renew the link

JULY 14, 2024 AT 5:53 PM

Jon said...

Thanks for bringing this album to my attention. I never knew this had a Burrito Bros. connection. Terribly misleading cover in my opinion. Makes me think the contents are likely to contain light disco ala Exile (everyone sing "Kiss You All Over" all day now). Not too surprising though considering the label and decade. I had just entered the wild world of rock album retailing around this time and the standing joke in the industry at that time was: Q: Wanna know how to keep a beer cold? A: Place it between two Polygram new releases. (Mercury was a Polygram subsidiary.) Great company in Europe but in the US they didn't know how to promote anything successfully outside their classical division. So many great albums from this era went unnoticed that might not have had they been on another label. Look to The Dodgers and Tom Dickie and the Desires for further evidence. I ramble...

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Thanks Jon for the comment. I don't have time to hear it right now but before I had said from the rollerskating rink era which I thoroughly enjoy and lived through so can't be all bad.
