Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Mo-dettes - White Mice 7 79 w Paint It Black 7 80 w Dark Park Creeping 7 80 w Tonight 7 81 w The Story So Far CD 80 w Peel Sessions 1-28-80/7-26-80/7-11-81 w various live youtube

 REPOST and ADD ON:  Had only posted my "Paint It Black" 7 inch rip before but due to the immense popularity of this band long after their prime had to fill in the best I could and even found some cool live tunes with all the Peel Sessions as well.  Feel free to add in comments what I missed as the CD is only 192 kb/sec and I didn't have time to download it all from youtube separately to upgrade.  



Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

salmitch said...
Can you please refresh this link? Thanks.

JULY 13, 2024 AT 12:25 AM

Anonymous said...

Yes! Thank you for reposting... Sensing that most of this (hardcopies) is quite difficult to track down. Muddy Mike

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Yeah MM I still have my 7 inch as I keep most of those since easy storage in two small boxes that slide under low tables in my Apt. but yeah I would list them with The Selecter and The Bodysnatchers or Belle Stars as equals for female -led bands of same era with Buzzcocks or comparing format of lots O cover songs Th Flying Lizards followed Mo-dette’s a few years later.

salmitch said...

Thanks so much! This is amazing.
