Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Meat Puppets - 7 w st LP 82 w II LP 84 w Up On The Sun LP 85

BANG ZOOM POST REFERENCE BANDS:  Well I went to rip my three CD's of their first three albums and smartly the band made it so you can't do that...only shows up as odd data file.  So never say die, I found my old cassette I had made from my early vinyl of all four of these and ripped it late into the night last night.  Even though I had my used my old Panasonic radio/tape deck/phono that my sister's family has had in their basement bar for years so not too bad a deck and it sound sooo nice!  I left in the order of the cassette due to limited time starting with II and Up On The Sun to begin each side then split the self-titled and In A Car 7 inch tracks I had fit onto the end of each side...somehow has nice flow to all the material this way so I left it.   

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