Tuesday, July 2, 2024


 H A P P Y   F O U R T H   O F   J U L Y ! ! ! !  Didn't think I had much to post this year  that was related to the holiday but had this religious (barely) one that really rock out on the Myrrh label.  Have fun!



Gabe said...

Hey Sir, Would You Happen to Have These Two by the Lead Singer of Wet Willie, I've Been searching for them for a few years, but all I can get is a weird quality version on some other blog and the ones on Youtube are sped up a bit, I'm looking for it in better quality so can you please get the physical album rather than the audio on Youtube, been searching for them for a few years, thanks!

Gabe said...

Please Don't Get Them from Youtube, Please? Been trying to get them quality in better format.

D said...

@ Gabe
I have about 5 Jimmy Hall albums, including the 2 you're looking for.
I just came across your comment... still interested?
These are all at 320, and not from YouTube.

Jon said...

I can supply a 256 vinyl rip (not mine) of Touch You if you need it. Do not have Cadillac Tracks.

Gabe said...

@D @Jon, As Long as It's not the mp3s I keep finding, the guy who posted them on Youtube from what I know, got it from the mp3s that I keep finding (and I believe the one you have Jon is one of them, because that's the bit rate I keep finding) It's good quality though, but from listening to CD remastered version of the single "I'm Happy That Love Has Found You" They're sped up a just a bit on the vinyl rip, I'm trying to get it in the best format (and I'm always like that with many albums) but thanks for the offers, you are free to send the mp3s and I can test them out and see if they're the ones that I keep finding (Which I assume they are)

D said...

....well, here's my collection, let me know watcha think;
7 day link

Gabe said...

Just checked the mp3s, Sadly, it's the Same Versions I keep finding, the tiny bit sped up version of Touch You and the Weird Quality Version from that other blog of Cadillac Tracks, but thanks for sending the links! I will wait for the DU Blog to put those two up (if he purchased both of them) And See what he's got to offer

Josh DeSlasher said...

Do you have Distant Shores by Chad & Jeremy?

Thank you

D said...

@ Gabe said...
Here's a flac of the album Jimmy Hall - Ready Now

D said...

@ Josh
Here's a link for Distant Shores

Gabe said...

Thanks, But I was only looking for his first two records, Really.
