Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Dead Hippie - Living Dead CD 83

 REPOST Request:  Ah, how nice, I can colorize the text again.  Want to call this 'Collector's Choice' even though a great mix of punk and goth so I left it labeled with the -cc.  It was one of those albums shared among us who lived in the University dorms.  And, it keeps getting re-up requests.



Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
any chance of reposting? (please!!)

December 26, 2018 at 1:17 PM

JANUARY 2, 2019 AT 3:50 PM
Anonymous said...
Grant liked weed too. He smoked up some of mine back in '84

JANUARY 13, 2019 AT 10:26 AM
Anonymous said...
Hello there. Could you please re-up this one? Thanks for your efforts.

JUNE 26, 2024 AT 2:30 AM

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Here is what I wrote the first time: Remember this old classic album? I do. Guess I am still in mourning over Grant Hart's death. He considered himself a 'hippie' and showed it by growing his hair long and playing drums barefoot.

Anonymous said...

Thank you kindly, sir.
I got interested in this album through the Würm connection. "Feast", available on "Exhumed" these days, is awesome. All the best.
