Tuesday, July 16, 2024

DAVID SANBORN - Hideaway LP 80 w Voyeur LP 81 w Close-Up CD 88 w DAVID SANBORN BAND - Promise Me The World LP 77

 REPOST and ADD ON:  Found out I had the top picture with the band tag added to his name and it is as good as the rest.  This makes part 2 of 3 for the R.I.P. recent deaths tribute posts this week.  What I had wrote before:  Another Florida (Tampa) guy who made quite a mark on music--with David playing the Alto Saxophone.  I bet his 70's stuff is pretty good however his later 1988 CD here sounds excellent.  Died in Tarrytown, NY on May 12, 2024.


1 comment:

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Anonymous said...
I Know This Is Late, But He passed in May (Not sure you are aware of that) Please re-post

JULY 9, 2024 AT 5:21 PM
