Tuesday, June 25, 2024


 To celebrate recently replacing my dual cassette deck from high school (got stuck in auto-side rotation) I promptly had to test it out with one of my old tape comp's I had made from listening to Radio K and filling in a couple spots I didn't need with my own songs that were 'hot' in 1995.  I did miss a couple band names if anyone knows the songs please leave in the comments.  It starts with a cool snippet from the Star Wars radio show they played on Sundays right after Harry Shearer from the Simpsons which I listened to every week usually missing the Star Wars.  Some bands I could identify:  The Peechees, The Bottle Rockets, Space Hog (fun little call in DJ section where I requested their song as I had a First Avenue comp. ticket and wasn't that familiar with the band so he tells me it ain't Sammy Davis, Jr. but he would go (just posted that last week BTW)!  Well then another person called in with the same situation for the legendary band 'Ruby'(still have the ticket stub to that great show)...WoW were we spoiled with good music back then!!), The Suburbs, The Police, The Mysteries Of Life (I had actually won this CD back then on the radio call in!), S.C.O.T.S. (as DJ points out that is the cool person way to refer to Southern Culture On The Skids..ha ha), The Murmurs and THEE BEST version of Speeding Motorcycle of My Heart if that is what it is called.  Enjoy!


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