Tuesday, June 25, 2024

OSIBISA - Welcome Home LP 75

 REPOST Request:  Per Discogs:  British Afro-pop band, founded in London in 1969 by four expatriate African and three Caribbean musicians.  Also check for more compilations posted here with Osibisa!



Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Siobhán Long's sister said...
Very definitely NOT USA!

Osibisa was a Ghanaian-Caribbean band (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osibisa) and very popular in the UK in the 1970s.

OCTOBER 8, 2020 AT 12:04 PM
Nick The Greek said...
Hello my friend
Can you repost this wonderfum gem???
Thanks in Advance

JUNE 23, 2024 AT 4:32 AM
Nick The Greek said...
Hello my friend
Can you repost this wonderfum gem???
Thanks in Advance

JUNE 23, 2024 AT 4:33 AM

Richie Nixan said...


When you go to the And Now For Something Completely Different sections of this you will find a friendly guy called Big Gray, who is posting all Osibisa albums 3 by 3. When you enjoy, say thank you to the man.

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Thanks Richard for the tip...I usually skip that section as the blog is already way too much and I try to refine my list of posts which is challenging at over 10,000 "good' albums.

Going to copy opening comment by Big Gray and wait for his next 5/6 and 6/6 posts then give him a thanks he can see. Cheers!
BigGray said...

Osibisa are a British-Ghanaian-Caribbean Afro-rock band founded in London in the late 1960s by four expatriate West African and three London based Caribbean musicians.
Osibisa were the most successful and longest lived of the African-heritage bands in London, alongside such contemporaries as Assagai, Chris McGregor's Brotherhood of Breath, Demon Fuzz, Black Velvet and Noir, and were largely responsible for the establishment of world music and Afro-Rock as a marketable genre.

Nick The Greek said...

Thanks a lot my Friend!
And... Richard thanks for the information about Big Gray. I will check...
