Tuesday, February 27, 2024

BILLY MAY AHO - SORTA-DIXIE! LP w Big Band Bash LP 52 w Billy May-70 LP 62 w Sorta May LP 62

 REPOST and ADD ON:  1 of 10 Cover Shot Beauties for A Little Bit Of Everything Musicwise:

Also check for repost on Frank Sinatra above.  Per Discogs:  Real Name: Edward William May, Jr.


American trumpet player and Big Band arranger. Later in his career he also composed for film and television.

Born November 10, 1916, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Died January 22, 2004, San Juan Capistrano, California, USA.


NOTE:  One of two in the list with fine instrumental versions of Donny Osmond's (my little sister's old favorite song) Deep Purple.

1 comment:

Jon said...

This is wonderful! Thanks for these. I can add Billy May's Naughty Operetta (@192) to your collection.

If anyone might have a copy of Billy May's Bacchanalia! to share I, for one, would be greatly appreciative.
