Tuesday, January 23, 2024


 I actually had two copies of this from Goodwill both in great shape and other with a cover like on last post of today of this 'Radio' mini-theme this week.  Next week I will feature TV-related vinyl rips.  This double album is pretty comprehensive and includes:  Rudy Vallee, Will Rogers, Bing Crosby,  Eddie Cantor, Jimmy Durante, Clayton, Jackson & Durante, Harry Hirschfield, Kay Kyser, Kate Smith, W.C. Fields, Al Jolson, Burns And Allen, Arthur Tracy, Baby Rose Marie, Uncle Don, Cliff Edwards, Morton Downey, Roosevelt Speech Except, Eileen Farrell, Victor Borge, Wee Bonnie Baker & Orrin Tucker and Ray Noble.



Anonymous said...

A Question here (which is going to be in a few parts) back in the 70s/80s people cared about the Grammys cause it felt like somebody “made it” and everything was calm, men wore tuxedos, women wore dresses, while nowadays, they wear wacky clothes, some of these musicians have “theatrical intros” when they’re getting ready to perform, and now when you win, it’s not about your talent, it’s all politics now and things we never heard of win awards, The YouTube account I check (Professor of Rock) when he was talking about Toto winning Three Grammys the same night, or Christopher Cross winning Five Grammys the same night, or Robert Palmer being nominated for an MTV Video Music Award or Grammy, he’ll be like “Back When Awards Matters, Isn’t It Sad” because things we don’t listen to/or heard of, are winning awards. Now About a Year Ago, I said to that "Hardcore Rock Fan" that I mention to you a lot "The Grammys were on last week, I wasn't aware of it until I saw an advertisement for it" and he told me "I've actually never watched the Grammy's or Oscar's award shows. I don't really care for pop music or most movies so I don't enjoy watching them" (I never watch these awards show either, but I have seen clips of these awards show on the internet and I use to Watch on TV Nickelodeon’s Kids Choice Awards and Teen Choice Awards, before I stopped when it gotten too political) and I went "Interesting. People liked the award shows back in the past because it felt very calm and entertaining and back then, Men wore tuxedos and women wore dresses, While today, It's all hyper, they wear all of these wacky clothes and news keeps doing this 'Best Dress/Worst Dress at so and so show" The Hardcore Rock fan's answer was with all award shows (even the 70s/80s) is like "To me they're just popularity contests. Who's to really say what the best song or best movie is? Nothing I like ever wins - does that mean my opinion is invalild?" and compared it to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame "Same thing like the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame. Lots of deserving bands are not in but non-rock artists are in. Makes no sense" Now the Rock Hall is Political these days on who they put in (cause it’s about your race/gender) and that’s how award shows are nowadays, but not back then, so I’m confuse why’s he comparing that to that, And I'm also confuse why his statement is "Nothing I Like Wins" from the past because things I like won in the past, and I told him "But Things I like won in the past, if you said nowadays I would agree" and he said "I'm sure some things I did like win sometimes but I doubt anything I really liked the most (since most of it is rather obscure) ever won anything. I think they're just trying to generate interest amongst fans and give bragging rights to the winners." and he talked about friends in his town "It's like locally they have voting for "best pizza" or best Mexican food" or "best bakery". I know for a fact many people get their friends and family to vote for them so they can iwin but it doesn't really mean they're the "best".Especially since food like art and music is subjective- what one likes another doesn't"

Anonymous said...

And This Hardcore Rock Fan is a casual guy. So he’s Born in the late 60s, didn't start listening to radio until the early 80s (mostly rock radio) and I mentioned this before with you “doesn’t like it when a rock band changes their formats or sound or when a rock band slows it down and does ballads” (as he does not like songs like the Styx songs I referred to you “Babe” and “Mr. Robato” Foreigner’s “I Want to Know What Love Is” etc) Calls it “the song that ruined Foreigner” he also dislikes John Waite’s “Missing You” he calls it “Boring and Repetitive, Not Enough Guitar, I Like his Babys Stuff better cause he rocked out!” and My father (and myself) love that song! he can’t stand Country Music (his wife likes the Judds and he even took her to their last concert in the early 90s) he does not like the blues or blues influenced musicians like The Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, The Who and Led Zeppelin (he suggested “Maybe it was before my time” and the only things he listen to from the 60s are the Beatles and the Beach Boys) (he does like some things we like, Rock obviously, Soft Rock, Yacht Rock, Mellow Music like Bread, Carpenters, he even had the Carpenters song played at his wedding, But doesn't like the Blues, can't stand Country Music and not big on Pop Music, he doesn't dislike Pop, it's just 'not his style' he says and it's interesting about Country Rock, he only likes the Country Rock that doesn't have twangs like Eagles, Firefall, Poco etc. While others that have twang, he doesn't like it cause he can't stand a twang and it's funny, Eagles had a song with a twang called "Midnight Flyer" I wonder if he's aware of that?) And interestingly enough, some early 70s songs (Like "Sweet City Woman" Stampeders, hit song in the US and Canada, "Nice to Be With You" Gallery, "One in a Million" Larry Graham and "I've Never Been to Me" Charlene) he's not aware of those songs, and awhile ago, when I was talking about how this musician got involved with the Staying Alive movie (not the song/1983 film and the film was written and directed by Sylvester Stallone) he wasn't aware of Sly writing/directing movies and was shock he wrote Rocky (which is weird cause Sly is known for writing/directing and acting) and I remember when I told him that Bobby Gosh (which you just gave me) worked with Paul Anka and sang on Anka's demo of "My Way" that was given to Frank Sinatra, he went "Wow! Paul Anka Must Go Way Back" And I was like "Uh, He was a famous teen idol in the 50s and had hits, I'm surprise you are not aware of that" as he only knows him for his 1970s era starting with "(You're Having My) Baby" so what you think of his statement on award shows? Is it just him being casual or you think of him being right?

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Yeah, I hear you ClassicMusic20. I guess an analogous situation is a guy I work with who I have stopped giving my free health advice to or stuff I've given him...leaving it on his desk and never using it though he accepted it. I bought some super cheap organic dish soap that is good for the environment at our new work building and told everyone they can use it but they still go to the old 'bad for the environment kind' under the sink and don't use mine--you can see they are the suicidal types (told me this first day) that are so brainwashed and superstitious from ignorance that they take NO RISKS. We in the know are a direct threat to their composure and kept ignorance and they get embarrassed easily from such stupidity that they wear a self-imposed filter 24-7. Everybody as you know being older has a 'filter' they wear to protect them in their tiny minds. Like the Lemmings that went into the cov vaccine jjab line over the cliff. They are deep deep down losers that need the mainstream to have any coolness, who can't admit they made the wrong choice and are equally trendy addicts to a newspaper in the old days and still in the case of my work mate with his secretary he selected and she is just like him. Also the chemicals really affect the brain and as you get older it gets worse unless you follow every new advice from a trusted source like I do Dr Mercola...only way to move it forward as we're in a stalemate with our controllers trying to kill us off. I sit and laugh to myself as workmate try's to tell someone a health thing only grasping the simpleton headline stuff and not able to get his mind around the facts as it debases them entirely. He quit the heavy drinking but now he has constant burping and gas all throughout the day that just makes me cringe. Whatever floats their boat but it brings down the company I work for their high maintenance actions (tried to get him to make simple inventory text corrections but same errors continue to occur with no changes). Even the factory rep's overseas are much closer to enemies then helpful application guys like I am who goes out of their way to anticipate questions and leaves no questions unanswered for complete answers. I redline the emails I send with 'second request" third request etc it's like pulling teeth! That is not an efficient way to run a company when your associates are not true team members going out of their way to help you...seems none of them have had to do sales from scratch as I have and don't value the inquiries its all about their ego and I would have fired them first day like I told my office guy once over ten years ago when I started. I can get things past their filters sometimes! Now it's damage control for the cabal having been affected by their own creation and it sure is ugly as the duped age with no answers but cutesy death med roads they can offer them that they eagerly 'eat up' per their program. Such assholes can't use organic soap to help the environment because it is not approved by media. Well I can see right through them.

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

BTW I never ever purchased soft rock except the stuff my mom had in her collection that you mentioned in your comment. I filled in with cheap stuff in the wild back when I had a working van but haven't shopped that way in over the two years I have been pedal biking to work. If I did buy something like that it was my collector half just trying to make a presentable post of something that would be obviously missing or I liked the song but would have to have a lot of soul--that is what I like. For example, the David Soul you sent in. I got a couple of his in the late nineties when I was buying twenty-five cent vinyl from CHeapo that I was hearing on Back In the Day of Soul radio playlist and thus got a knack for finding my true passion the soul releases that hold water. I had to make the line and it was easy to cut out further soft rock. This is a hobby at this point as I rip what I can for a few years more before having to buy any that keeps me thrilled in a cruel world since moving from MN a tight scene that knew how to build and support. So actually you passions about certain music I can't relate to at all but it occasionally appeals to my initial mission in ripping vinyl to keep the good stuff out of the landfills. I think I'm over the hump on most of it then maybe can sell them back their discarded culture. I did buy your 7 song you needed for under ten but that is a lunch for me nowadays and I am more likely to get by on minimal-to-self actions since everything man has misled me on for solutions have been offered to me by the Universe of Love in super cheap high efficiency solutions so life is easy for me now. Very EASY but I must keep weened and had to defriend you and leave reminder on sidebar for others for self survival at this point as since I've told you several times I need to cut back and tackle this debt so I can hold new debt to get van fixed since it has new engine in it. I do these things to protect myself because I cannot trust a single human anymore and have left factory sales that I was good at since I drove a scene many times since I get all answers easily having been right brain dominant for 10 years and seen the process in movies etc.

ClassicMusic20 said...

It's Funny You Brought Up the Covid Situation, As I told you before with "this guy" he agree with me on certain issues, like "Why are they putting drag queens and trans on to kids show" or (Paraphrasing here) "Why Good Is Bad and Bad Is Good, doesn't make any sense" or musicians forcing their politics on to you, he’s with me on that, but with Covid, he seems to believe those rules. An example when I was defending "The Real Music Observer" channel saying this other Youtuber (A Deejay in Canada named Rock History Music who's been working in the biz for 40 years and still works in corporate radio) He's not into "The Real Music Observer" cause "He's a Conspiracy Theorist, He Makes Things Up to Get Hits" which is not true, When I mentioned about how he acts like "Conspiracies theorists" are crazy people, even though it’s just people with opinions, whether you agree or not, The Hardcore Rock Fan was like "But some people believe ridiculous things about aliens, Covid, jet contrails, etc Some believe the earth is flat and that we've never been to the moon or outer space. hard to deal with people who believe that" it's true there's some theorists out there that are crazy people with Aliens, Paranormal or whatever, but they're not getting mad at those people, they're getting mad at people with opinions about other topics, I did agree with him on that, but kept my mouth shut about Covid and then months go by, I asked him about when he was young, did he ever invited friends over to look at his album collection and he mentioned he use to have regular game night and put on a record and played some board games, he doesn't do it anymore cause of "Covid" and misses doing that, And I told him "Covid Is over things are normal again, you can do those things if you want? it's your choice." and his answer "To me it's not over. I have friends still getting sick from it and some even getting long covid. They lost their taste and smell. Since we're older I don't want to take a chance. Had it once and it was real baad for me - sick for 3 months." Yeah, My father is going shopping a lot and he's older than this guy and he doesn't care if he catches Covid and I don't care either, I call this guy a "Scaredy-Cat" Now With the Award Statements, There is only one thing I would agree with on that, How I notice film critics list Serious Films/Episodes in TV Shows as "The Best Episode Ever Made" and Comedies aren't there at all, and music critics with Led Zeppelin, Kenny G, Starship's "We Built This City" or Rick Dees "Disco Duck" and with ballads, they don't like that stuff, but they like stuff like the Velvet Underground. So that's the only part I can agree, I don't care when A poll on a website or Wikipedia or Songfacts says "TV Guide Listed as 'The Greatest Episode Ever Made' Or 'This Song Magazine Listed This Song as The Greatest Song Ever Made' I don’t really agree with that, But with Award Shows from the 70s/80s, They were pretty calm and entertaining back then, so comparing them to what's out now, I wouldn't say to all award shows "Nothing I Like Wins" I get it if you said it with today's shows, but not back then, things were way different then.

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Please check the Jules Shear post this week as Jon H has a request perhaps you can help with. Thanks for your commenting and have a nice day!

carlos said...

Hello, sorry for writing here. I could re-release Michael Johnson's album again, lifetime guarantee, very grateful.
greetings and thank you very much

Anonymous said...

Hello, sorry for writing here. I could re-release Michael Johnson's album again, lifetime guarantee, very grateful.
greetings and thank you very much
