Tuesday, January 30, 2024

RUN DMC - Raising Hell CD 86 w Tougher Than Leather tape 88

 50th ANNIVERSARY OF HIP-HOP FROM LAST YEAR REPRISE POST: Well of course I have to include these guys right next to the Beastie Boys because they were really the main bands that introduced us all to what Hip-Hop could really accomplish.  For me it was seeing Kurtis Blow one night on the news talking about this new rap then my older new wave sister got his album.  Somewhere I have RUN DMC's earlier two releases but this first one posted I taped from my University dorm neighbor from my high school who was showing off 'Raising Hell' with this new CD technology that he was all gung ho for while I held off on CD's as long as I could before finally getting a player next year.  I did buy the next album which is probably my all-time favorite rap album that I used to listen to all the time on my walkman.  Such a classic and very inspiring to me.


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