Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Love And Kisses - st LP 77 w How Much, How Much I Love You LP 78 w You Must Be Love LP 79

 REPOST Request:  From Discogs:  "Love & Kisses" was the brainchild of Alec R. Costandinos.
Costandinos was born Alexandre Kouyoumdjiam in Cairo, Egypt, in 1944 to an Armenian father and a Greek mother.  First ever post from Egypt so appropriate for Christmas stuff above.

1 comment:

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

RFelis said...
The two links are the same. Thanks.

JUNE 22, 2015 AT 3:38 PM
Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...
Hey thanks for catching that, quick fix since you commented right away. Peace

JUNE 22, 2015 AT 3:43 PM
Siobhán Long's sister said...
Hmm, pity you don't have a multinational category.

SEPTEMBER 1, 2022 AT 12:23 PM
Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...
Hi Slobhan Long's sister,

I do have a multinational category that the blog creator made before me called 'World' so I will label it that. Hey thanks for all your comments, really helps the blog out. Hope you have a great long Labor Day weekend...I'm looking forward to it after work tomorrow on Friday! Cheers, Viacom

SEPTEMBER 1, 2022 AT 2:07 PM
