Tuesday, September 26, 2023


 Goes with below as two Goodwill reggae CD's I pulled from the stacks shown in my cover photos since it is still Dub-September over at Nathan Nothin's Nothin' Says Somethin' (see link on blogroll below) great blog and he really has pulled some gems this year from dub back in the day you gots to check it!  Don't know any about this band though.



art58koen said...

Excellent roots reggae, thanks again, but indeed very hard to find any info about this band...
Just a remark, I think you do a fantastic job posting music here, especially considering that so many other blogs have given up! However when I download something and play it in iTunes (I have an old Mac), the artist and album always come up as 'unknown'... Of course that is easily corrected, but still...

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Hi art58koen,

I don't use the labeling software or it would take way to long to post the volume of music that I do each week (generally can record 5-6 albums at a time to fill up computer/software memory then do 3 sets or about 15-18 vinyl full albums per week since 2008) so I do cut-and-paste then change song name and number thus the label fields don't get filled. However for CD's, I have freeware on a laptop on it's last legs running in 'safe mode' and it decided to put numbers in the fields so that when I drove a vehicle the mp3 player would play in alphabetical order all vinyl ripped songs until it got to the CD's and play those as track 1, track 1, track 2, track 2 for 2 CD's for example. Yeah, this is pretty much a do-it-yourself blog and I am just feeding you guys the data to put into your own format. Yes, I have been offered the label software in the past from other blog followers but made the decision right then I didn't have time for doing this. Thanks for your kind words and I will add you to the sidebar of contributors for helpful comments with the others for your comments over the years as I recognize your name from before. Cheers! (you got 10 years on me...I'm a 1968 born dude!) Viacom
