Wednesday, August 16, 2023


 My friend in 9th grade made me a tape of the best songs on this album--all the ones he could fit as my first exposure to  the genre then I subscribed to Maximum Rock & Roll zine and started listening to their radio show on KFAI community radio station on weekends.  Got to love the Tim Yohannon (R.I.P.) record reviews especially the first self-titled Die Kreuzen album that was going around the school at the time when he repeated the phrase 'This is fucking great' for a whole paragraph!  Have since become friends with Jumpin' Jeff Bale--studying his occasional youtube punk music posts.  Gave this reissue to Goodwill as a kind of prayer I guess--like when I carted four boxes of punk vinyl to Cheapo Records in Uptown, MN when I had to clear space during a move so I could keep the blog going with new rips since they were all ripped already.  However, I do have this on CD that I will keep forever as this was used vinyl with pops and potential groove wear--not sounding as good.

1 comment:

jonder said...

I remember that Die Kreuzen review too. Made me feel proud to be from 'Scansin.

In an FB group for record collectors, some members were saying that their family wouldn't appreciate the value of their collections, and one group member suggested donating to Goodwill, just to give another vinyl junkie that "Holy shit!" sensation when you come across something that only another collector would recognize. So I would say that you are "paying it forward" for the next owner of "Not So Quiet on the Western Front"!
