Tuesday, August 8, 2023

EMMYLOU HARRIS - Elite Hotel LP 75 w Pieces Of The Sky LP 75 w Luxury Lines LP 77 w Quarter Moon In A Ten Cent Town LP 78 w Light Of The Stable CD 92

 REPOST and ADD ON:  Now have added the 'Pieces' and "Luxury Lines" albums with the latter starting out with the title track on supercharge!  Per the comment still need her 1981 album at least.


1 comment:

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Blogger angstytimelord said...
Emmylou is an AMAZING artist. Her "Evangeline" album is one of the all-time great classic records. I'm not even a country music fan, but I love her!

October 9, 2019 at 2:11 PM

JULY 28, 2020 AT 10:54 AM
