Wednesday, September 1, 2021

RAY STEVENS - Boogity Boogity LP 74 w Crackin' Up LP 87 w Get The Best Of Vol. 2 tape w BOX SET 3CD 06

 REPOST and ADD ON:  Wow, found the boxset three CD package last week at Good Will and what a trip it is back through my is what I wrote before:  Ahead of his time with joke rock, I remember back in the early seventies when I was a wee lad, hearing on our local radio "The Streak" song as a big hit in our little neighborhood back when streakers were all the rage.


Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Dr. Drunk said...
Ha ha!! AWESOME Post, V!! I actually had the Boogity Boogity vinyl when I was little. The folks loved him! Thank you!!!


APRIL 29, 2014 AT 3:10 PM
Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...
Now YOU are a Doctor I can trust!! Were on the same page with this one. Ha HA

APRIL 29, 2014 AT 5:02 PM

EricC said...

First album I bought was Guitarzan. I was probably 12, and even then I wondered why he was doing all this Leiber And Stoller stuff.
