Tuesday, September 21, 2021

GTR - st CD 86

 Some hair metal from 1986 from Goodwill to you!        https://gofile.io/d/bvTuc7


EricC said...

It's not hair metal, it's a prog "supergroup".

Steves Hackett and Howe from Genesis and Yes.

JD Considine gave it the single greatest review of his life. Yeah, he wrote millions of words of criticism and is best known for this review. It was very simple.


I've been wanting this for ages.

EricC said...

And now that I hear a bit of it, I can see why you called it a hair metal album. Oh dear.

angstytimelord said...

I LOVE this album! "When the Heart Rules the Mind" is still one of my favorite 80s songs.
