Tuesday, August 24, 2021

TV21 - Snakes And Ladders 2 X 7 81 w Playing With Fire 7 80 w On The Run 7 80 w a thin red line LP 81

REPOST Request:  So the dealy-O on this post is that I have the double 7 inch single as well as found the separate singles from a blog somewhere.  I guess the snakes made it too the top these days.


1 comment:

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Col. Edward Karuthers said...
Okay, the opening track Snakes and Ladders is worth the price...
October 14, 2011 at 1:10 AM

NOVEMBER 11, 2013 AT 8:13 AM
Patrick Murphy said...
thank you so much for these! Not to sound like an ungrateful twit, but do you happen to have these other 7" titles as well?: "Ambition," "Something's Wrong" and "All Join Hands" (recorded with Cannizarro Strings)…thanks so much, and I truly appreciate all the cool music you make available.

JUNE 17, 2014 AT 8:28 AM

JULY 31, 2015 AT 9:22 AM
Anonymous said...
Hi there!
Would it be possible for you to re-up the TV21 ‎– A Thin Red Line album?
Keeping my finger crossed and thanking you in advance!

MARCH 18, 2018 AT 9:30 PM
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MARCH 20, 2018 AT 8:59 AM
Anonymous said...
∞ Thank Yous for this fabulous album I couldn't find anywhere else!

MARCH 20, 2018 AT 3:09 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks for this!
Haven't heard A Thin Red Line in decades, must have the vinyl in a closet somewhere……..
Great post!
MARCH 21, 2018 AT 10:23 PM
Anonymous said...
Just got around to listening to A Thin Red Line. It's fucking great.

APRIL 6, 2018 AT 8:20 PM
Anonymous said...
Is there any chance of a re-upload of this TV21 collection again. It is impossible to find anywhere, even a CD copy...

AUGUST 14, 2021 AT 9:21 PM
