Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Alex Chilton - Stuff CD w Lost Decade 2LP w High Priest LP 87 w Like Flies On Sherbet LP 79 w Feudalist Tarts CD w Dusted In Memphis boot w Ocean Club In NY 77 w Alex Chilton vs. Peter Holsapple - Death Of Rock LP 18

REPOST Request:  Thanks for this request as it really got me to organize all my Alex stuff.  However, I couldn't find my CD rip of Beale St. but I still have the CD and actually all of the songs are within on different releases except for that killer version of 'Marshall Law' which I will have to covet for myself for now...you still get an inferior version on the 'Lost' release.  'Spose I could ask that kid that used my very first posts for his school project...LOL.       https://gofile.io/d/rAlli0

"If you're writing anything decent, it's in you, it's your spirit coming out. If it's not an expression of how a person genuinely feels, then it's not a good song done with any conviction."
Alex Chilton


Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Queer Fish said...
Thank you SO much. Reading Alex's biography and really needed to hear more of his music.
Always find the greatest stuff on your blog. :)

JUNE 25, 2014 AT 1:21 PM
Juan Duque said...
Thanks for this.. Saw Chilton in New Orleans, round 96, at Jazzfest.. Great show, great guitarrist, great guy.

Juan Duque..

Medellín, Colombia

MAY 7, 2015 AT 3:48 PM
Unknown said...
First of all, brilliant post!! thank you so much for sharing all those gems!!
I wish I had had the chance to see Chilton-Big Star live at least once!

Greetings from Brazil


JULY 16, 2015 AT 9:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks a lot excellent stuff.
Cheers Dan.

OCTOBER 12, 2015 AT 8:14 PM
Dr Huitre said...
Could you please reup the Dusted in memphis bootleg ? it's really hard to find online. Thanks

NOVEMBER 11, 2020 AT 7:36 AM
Jim H. said...
good one, thanks!

JULY 9, 2019 AT 4:10 PM

Unknown said...

thank you for this. made my day.

angstytimelord said...

Oh my gosh, don't EVEN get me started on how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE Alex! (Funnily enough, as I was bringing up your blog online, the Replacements' "Alex Chilton" just started on my playlist. Is my computer psychic???)
