Wednesday, July 21, 2021

GO - Yamashta, Winwood, Shrieve LP 76 w Stomu Yamashta's Go Too LP 76 w Stomu Yamashta's GO - Live In Paris 2LP 76

REPOST and ADD ON:  Got the first two studio albums with the second one with more cool guests like Linda Lewis and Al DiMeola to add to previous live release.


Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Anonymous said...
This was my holy grail for a long time. One of my all time favorite LPs. I think the credits say Klaus Schulze is playing "space machine" or something like that.. There's a KBFH floating around of this band as well.

OCTOBER 21, 2016 AT 12:25 AM

Anonymous said...

Buenas Tardes, favor de volverlo a subir la carpeta está vacía. Gracias

Anonymous said...

Link roto favor de subirlo de nuevo
