Wednesday, June 9, 2021

THE CHEEPSKATES - DEMO TAPE w run better run LP 84 w Second and Last LP 86 w Remember LP 87 w It Wings Above LP 88 w Confessional LP 90

 REPOST Request:  A truly awe-inspiring band and from one of my favorite genre's, here is what I wrote before:  These guys are right up there with the Three O'Clock, The Prime Movers, The Outnumbered, Naz Nomad and the Nightmares, The Vipers, The Banana Men, Rain Parade, The Flies, The Nomads, Shoutless, The Lyres, The Tell-Tale Hearts, Plan 9 and The Dukes of Stratosphere in my book--defining the Paisley Underground of the 80's.     


Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

luis said...
hope that this could glad you. so i can give you a little part
Cheepskaates Waiting for Unta (Flac)'88%29.rar

NOVEMBER 7, 2015 AT 8:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks a million for the demo tape!

JUNE 3, 2016 AT 11:29 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanx a lot!

SEPTEMBER 13, 2016 AT 3:27 PM
RJ said...
Sorry, late to this post. Any chance of a re-up? Awesome blog!

JULY 31, 2017 AT 12:03 PM

AUGUST 1, 2017 AT 9:00 AM
angstytimelord said...
*cough* No offense, but you forgot the Three O'Clock, whose lead vocalist/bassist Michael Quercio actually coined the term "paisley underground."

AUGUST 4, 2017 AT 3:41 PM
Anonymous said...
Can you re-up the Cheepskate? Thanks in advance!
Marco - Italia

JUNE 14, 2018 AT 3:34 PM

June 15, 2018 at 8:38 AM Delete
Anonymous Anonymous said...

June 15, 2018 at 8:38 AM Delete
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Been looking for this for forever.

June 16, 2018 at 8:12 PM Delete
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Links dead again in january 2020

January 19, 2020 at 2:01 PM Delete

JANUARY 22, 2020 AT 10:06 AM
Fogo said...
hello please can you reup. thank you

MAY 21, 2021 AT 4:48 PM

Fogo said...

hello. Thank you for the re-up.
I have appreciate

Anonymous said...

This folder is empty

Anonymous said...

Thank You very much
