Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Runner - st LP 79

 REPOST Request:  Sounds a little like Moon Martin is you ask me.  Pre-80's metalish.



Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Fogo said...
Hello, can you re up please. Thank you

MAY 23, 2021 AT 4:21 AM

Fogo said...

hello. Thank you for the re-up.
I have appreciate

jimi2770 said...

please, update the link

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Link restored today

ClassicMusic20 said...

This is actually a supergroup, all of them were from other bands. Alan Merrill was from the Arrows (The Band that originally did "I Love Rock 'n' Roll" before Joan Jett got her hands on to it) Steve Gould was from Rare Bird, Mick Feat and Dave Dowle were both from Streetwalkers, And besides that, Dave was also an original member of Whitesnake before they had their success in the 80s.
