Tuesday, June 8, 2021

EASTER Musical by Joe E. Parks - HE LIVES LP 82

 I'm going to go home now from work and continue posting tomorrow so I leave you with another rare bonified 'Jesus Music' classic!!  The best from this genre always have one superior song that makes the album and this one also has a narration guy that is kind of cool.  Yeah, I missed posting this on Easter but pulled it out when I realized I had bought a 'Mother's Day' tune from the Intruders that I had already ripped and posted! ! !  That is the first time I did that and guess that it got by because I didn't put the proper sorting words from an old radio show that I now added.  Anyways, as Aaaanold would say, "I'll Be Back!              https://gofile.io/d/X6ehxT

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