Tuesday, May 25, 2021

H A P P Y B E L A T E D 8 0 t h B I R T H D A Y, B O B D Y L A N !!!! (This Is Your Life)

 I first heard Bob Dylan from a brothers tape of the second Greatest Hits release and would play the 'All Along The Watchtower' and 'Stuck Inside of Mobile.." tunes the most.  I liked as much as the Hendrix version I had also borrowed on cassette in grade school and eventually, after hearing the latter as such a long song on AOR Radio, I had to learn ALL the lyrics by heart for it by borrowing one of my older brothers' book of Dylan song lyrics.  I really loved those two songs.  Eventually, he sold out our stadium with multiple shows with the Grateful Dead in high school--effectively uniting all the jocks and preppies together in support throughout MN.  Over the last year, I have been finding many CD's at the Goodwill Bargain Barn store (overstock before it goes overseas) during lunchbreak and it really turned out well...you can see them above.  I also added three videos previously posted here a DU blog during his 'Rebel's and Infidels' album (need to hear that one!) with a couple members of the punk band the PLUGZ on David Letterman.  Also added some download files and four by hour long radio documentaries that I had collected along with Dylan and the Dead.  As a special add-on, I have stream captured to MP4 my favorite movie appearance of Bob albeit short in 'Pat Garrett and Billy The Kid'--that is the sheepish Bob I have nicely tucked into memory having never seen him live.  Also, by chance, late last night I found that I had also ripped to MP4 a more extensive Bob appearance in 'Masked And Anonymous'.  To really put things over the edge peruse below for more trivia related posts for this 80th Birthday Celebration.  BTW, can anyone correct a sound/video shift that occurred during my stream capturing of Bob Dylan's 30th Birthday Celebration with many celebrities from MTV singin' Bob songs (except Sinead O'Connor you can only see/her practice as she got booed during those years but hey perhaps a TRUE tribute to when Bob wouldn't play the Ed Sullivan show due to their censorship--a TRUE punk rocker!!!).  Also looking for software that can rotate a video 90 degrees as an old camera did that to me during a Wreckless Eric show.  Enjoy!                

MP3 link 1 of 2:  https://gofile.io/d/f1FGVe

MP3 link 2 of 2:  https://gofile.io/d/V9GeH1

MP4 Pat Garrett & Billy Kid:  https://gofile.io/d/t8hLBf

MP4 Masked and Anonymous:  https://gofile.io/d/dfIBbh

MP4 Bob Dylan 30th Anniversary Party (slight time shift):  https://gofile.io/d/rcH6j3 


parasite451 said...

Thanks, man. Saw Dylan in Nov. 1965 in Chicago.

Kosta said...

can i ask for a reaup of Gary Harrison, please?
(zippyshare is banned in my coutry)
