Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Safety Last - st EP 81 w Struck By Love LP 83

 REPOST Request:  Classic old Twin Tone label band with funny name featuring Gary Louris before he formed the Jayhawks while he was going to my U of MN where I would see him at a lot of shows.


Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

TooBusyThinking said...
Thank you for reposting this! I read about the band recently and wanted to hear them. Listening now and it sounds great.

DECEMBER 4, 2013 AT 4:24 AM
Anonymous said...
Thank you for this raritie,I'm searching this one for a long time,first Gary Louris band.

NOVEMBER 13, 2014 AT 7:24 PM
Stefano said...
Can you repost this one?
Thanks in advance !!!

MARCH 17, 2021 AT 2:45 AM

EricC said...

Just because I am that geek.

The name comes from a Harold Lloyd film from 1923. I think everyone has seen the shot of him hanging from the clock.

Anonymous said...

If by relocating from his hometown in Michigan, you mean Toledo, Ohio, oh, ok. Also, he did attend and graduate from UMinn. But whatever.
