Tuesday, March 16, 2021

CLANNAD - Dulaman LP 79 w Magical Ring LP 83 w Macalla LP 85 w EPs 85 87 w Anam tape 92 w Banba CD 93

 REPOST and ADD ON:  Per Angstytimelord's comment after last post, I needed to get the two shown on bottom that I found at Goodwill since she commented so thanks for settin' that one up for me Angsty....you got me singing...'Here's your last chance Angsty to let me down' to the tune of 'Fancy'...LOL Happy St. Patrick's Day...my namesake day and I was also born on the 17th of a different month and the only two properties I owned in MN one a 1926 house and one a condo on American Blvd. by the Mall of America both had the nearest railroad track marker of '17'..how about that! Now if the USA would just adopt 3 more States we could be truly 'indivisible under God".  Pun intended.  And what do you know I just discarded 17 previous posts that we consolidated and reposted!  I tell you the chi force is strong in my illuminati blood!  (Kennedy bloodline)



Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

angstytimelord said...
This is one of their better albums, I think. It's nowhere near "Banba," which is their classic, but if you like New Age/Celtic music (and I do!), this is a pretty solid record.

Also, if you like this one, check out their "Macalla" album, as well as "Anam" and the aforementioned "Banba." All of them are great records that mix pop, Celtic and New Age very well. Great music for when you want to relax and chill out listening to something quiet and soothing.

MARCH 15, 2017 AT 1:20 PM
Anonymous said...
Please re-up. The link is down already. Many thanks!

DECEMBER 13, 2017 AT 5:54 AM

DECEMBER 14, 2017 AT 11:15 AM
I have an Irish group for you if you're able to find them, they're called Ghost Of An American Airman. Super great pop their '80s records Some Day and the I Hear Voices single are what I'm on the hunt for, but they have some harder '90s stuff that's good too. If you see it I would love a post!

APRIL 18, 2018 AT 1:29 AM

angstytimelord said...

Haha, glad you found those albums, Viacom! What did you think of them?

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

I made a point of it to listen on headphones today. Both are pretty mellow kinda makin' me sleepy at work but definitely relaxing. Thanks Again Angsty!
